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5 Tips for Riding Out a Business Tsunami
Are you in the midst of business tsunami? Business tsunamis have definite warning signs. If you listen for the warning sirens, you can avoid their destruction or ride it out to career success. #1 EARLY WARNING: FIVE-DIMENSIONAL REALITY Five-dimensional reality. Five...

KickStart’s 5th Live Online Customer Advisory Board Masterclass begins January 19, 2022
Our next live online CAB Masterclass series begins January 19, 2022. Mike Gospe, CAB strategist and professional facilitator, is your instructor. Join us for this 5-part series to learn the latest strategies for running a CAB program in the COVID era.

3 tips for planning your 2022 CAB Program
The past 2 years have seen Customer Advisory Board (CAB) programs evolve dramatically. And they are continuing to evolve. As we head into 2022, this post dives into 3 things you need to know.

Collaboration & Personal Responsibility: What I learned at Carnegie Hall
Collaboration is an important ingredient in any organization. But you can’t hide in a team. Success comes by taking personal responsibility. This is a lesson I learned at Carnegie Hall.

What I’ve learned from facilitating 20 virtual Advisory Board meetings in 2020
Virtual advisory boards work differently than in-person boards. After facilitating 20 virtual meetings in 2020, here’s what I’ve learned.

Mastering Customer & Partner Interviews
New online course from KickStart Alliance: Mastering Customer & Partner Interviews. See our methodology, templates, and best practices as Karyn Holl and I describe our process.

3 Articles: Expert Advice for CAB managers in 2020 & 2021
CMOs and executive leaders: Will you be running a Customer Advisory Board meeting in Q4 or Q1 2021? Here are three articles with advice and guidance from the Advisory Board front lines.

Insights from facilitating Advisory Board meetings in 2020: We are all connected
Over the past couple of months we’ve interviewed dozens of CAB and PAC members around the world. Here’s what we’ve learned.

Even Tiger Woods has a coach
There’s a good chance your CEO has a business coach. But what about you? Here are a few examples of how buisness coaches and mentors have helped VPs and the next generation of marketing, sales, and customer success leaders to unlock their full potential.

Voice of the Customer Interviews in a Covid-19 World
Before 2020, Voice of the Customer (VOC) interviews presented a challenge: balance your objective to gather feedback with your desire to serve your customer's needs. Then Covid-19 hit. Put aside for a moment the dramatic impact on our health, personal lives, and...