Kick Down the Sales Silo Walls

What? Sales helping Marketing? That’s not the way we generally think of the marketing-sales relationship — We expect that marketing’s role is to help sales sell. Well, yes, that is marketing’s primary responsibility, but the relationship...

Preparing a Great Sales Presentation

If you know the answer to three simple questions, you can prepare a great sales presentation. 1) Who is the audience?  Know who will be attending your sales presentation.  Gear the presentation to the interests of the most important influencer (or decision maker) in...

Finding Buyers in This Recession

There are companies buying products and services, even in this recession.  There are companies that will grow.  Many companies will be able to maintain a good business and there are even some new emerging business areas.  Buyers are out there.  They just may be a...

Selling in a Recession – First Impressions Matter

First impressions are even more important when selling in recessionary times.  Sales is all about them, it’s not about you.  Customers are concerned and want their money to go a long way.  They are looking for long term value, short term payback, transparency in...