Searching for Product Comparisons

When it comes to product comparisons, you can get some quick market research on how your product stacks up to a competitor.  Just ask the Internet. I teach a course at San Francisco State University entitled, “Essentials of Integrated Marketing.” In that...

Clara Shih on “Marketing in the Facebook Era”

Yesterday I had the privilege of hearing Clara Shih, CEO & Founder of Hearsay Labs, speak on the topic of “Marketing in the Facebook Era” at a DMA of Northern California luncheon. Clara recently wrote a book on the topic: The Facebook Era: Tapping...

Understanding the CIO

In his article, CIO Tells Us How to Sell to CIOs, Sridhar Ramanathan interviews Walt Thinfen, CIO of Visioneer.  This article is a timely reminder about the importance of customer relationships built on an understanding of the customer’s world.  Especially in...

CAB or no CAB? That is the question

Customer advisory boards, councils, and forms (CABs) are becoming popular tools for strengthening a company’s relationships with their best customers. But is your company organizationally, operationally, and culturally ready to invest in a CAB? With the today’s...