Looking for a simple integrated marketing plan template?
PPT Template: A Streamlined Integrated Marketing Framework

(NOTE: when you click on the above link, the template will download directly to your desktop. It doesn’t open a new window.)

Previously, this template for a streamlined go-to-market plan was available only to readers of my book, Marketing Campaign Development. Because this has been such a popular item, I’ve decided to make it available to everyone. Feel free to download it, adopt it, and adapt it to fit your own marketing needs.

Most marketing plans are lengthy tomes of data, charts, definitions, and lists — hardly a tool for communicating go-to-market plans internally quickly and clearly. While marketers do need to know all the details, other internal audiences only need the punch line. As such, I recommend following the outline illustrated in the attached template. Ten slides, each serving a specific purpose. Even so, ten slides may be too many for certain audiences. When all is said and done, the TOP 5 slides within this deck are:

  1. Campaign objective
  2. Persona
  3. Positioning Statement
  4. The Message Box
  5. The Campaign Map

Everything else is details. Important, for sure. But let your audiences ask for those details rather than emailing a marketing plan the size of a small phone book to everyone.

The template includes a table of contents, examples of some of the key slides, and where you can get additional information on any of the concepts included in the template.

Good luck and good marketing!
